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Friday, July 28, 2006

James Blunt - Back to Bedlam requested 28th July.

What a handsome boy!
Want to know my thoughts on the great James cun, I mean blunt?
No, you don't. If you do though then look through the archives back to June or something last year...I think I posted this one then.
Anyway just for a change and because of the guilt I felt at missing the Dylan show, this was requested today and amazingly I went and found and uploaded it, today.
So enjoy!

I have some great new freehosts that I am using too. Egoshare is one and the other, is great, seems to let you download directly from there!

As I uploaded the mp3 tracks one by one I am not going to post every single link is too much work!
Instead I will just upload the text document which I listed the links to the MP3s for you.
Get the text document, open it and then you have a list of links for the whole album ok!

LINKS (all links are to the same file, just many options for you to choose!):
You just need to download ONE file OK!
server 1
server 2
server 3
server 4
server 5
server 6
server 7
server 8

Enjoy this one won't you.
I am saying nothing!
- Link for this post -


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JAMES BLUNT!!!??? C´mon, you must be kiddin´! Look at all the quality stuff you´ve provided and we all enjoyed so much...Jose Padilla in particular. JAMES BLUNT...C´mon!

7/29/2006 05:56:00 pm  
Blogger hitmewithit said...

Come on! Don't be a knobhead all your life. If you re-read the James Blunt post you might see a bit of irony in there. Someone requested it so I was feeling generous and posted it!
I have the same opinion of the album as you....hehe
Look out for the next blinding post..a GREAT album. Even if I do say so myself.
I more will James cun er...I mean Blunt grace these pages again!

7/29/2006 07:54:00 pm  
Blogger Turk said...

I tried, it truly is shite LOL

8/20/2006 04:46:00 am  

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