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Monday, June 13, 2005

MP3 Tagging program #1

Its time to sleep but I wanted to quickly get this program link up here.
I have been getting pissed off with the MP3 tagging programs I use, each one seems to have different features yet not one of them fits the bill perfectly. They all seem to have been designed by someone who obviously doesn't do a lot of renaming, tagging or whatever else with MP3 files. Otherwise they wouldn't have such awkwardly placed buttons, interfaces that make their use more difficult or bloated skins and flashy crap I don't need.
So I have been downloading and testing what seems like far too many for it to be healthy and it is my mission to find the best designed and easiest to use. This may take some time I realise.
For now(as this obsession is far from over), I can highly recommend this one:
Abander TagControl v2.3.180
They even have a website.
Brilliant program.
I could still complain about it but at least it is heading in the right direction.

========One File======

Been looking for alternative to [RS] for the next couple of albums..
- Link for this post -


Anonymous Anonymous said...

However not followed your complete search for an MP3 tagger I can warmly recomend MP3-Info Extension. It's a rightclick extension, showing the bitrate in icons when using explorer.
Not developed after 24.01.2004 it still fits my needs, maybe yours also :-)
Find it @

6/14/2005 01:45:00 pm  
Blogger hitmewithit said...

Thanks. I'll give it a try...but also, DBpowerAMP has the right click explorer function too you know.
Cheers :)

6/14/2005 02:05:00 pm  

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