===-Stoner Music Collection Entry Number 010-===
Hello again friends and enemies...(?)
I always thought that honesty was the best policy.
Not always of course. I mean, when you are young, trying your hardest to grow up, getting it wrong, going down some stupid and maybe illegal paths before eventually realising what a twat you were. So yeah, not always.
But I have probably grown up a bit by now and I do, nowadays try to stick to the old Honest-Best-Policy thing.
So let me be honest here.
I have never ever even heard of the band that I am presenting to you today!
Not a thing. I do not know what type of music they do, where they hail from, how many band members there are, all of it.
I know nothing!!
Yeah, I should have went to wikipedia and allmusic and did some googling before I posted this eh?
Then I could have written some facts that I had pretty much copied and pasted...at least then I wouldn't have looked like a bit of a twat eh.
But that wouldn't have been honest now would it.!
So I am as green to this as you are(that is, assuming you haven't heard this either).
I wasn't able to have a listen to this before now due to computer and health problems. So the situation is this: I will have a listen tomorrow and so will you...I hope, then we can both, if we can be bothered, report back on what we made of it.
At least the album cover looks promising as far as that it reminds me of some of my old vinyl covers.
A bit hippie.
Well it is part 10 in this HUGE 'Stoner Music Collection' that I am attempting to post so I'm gladly going to give it a try and see why it made the collection.
If you are a horrified fan of this band then please leave a comment and let me know whats so good! Sorry if I offended you
LINKS:Remember - Files are in Rar archives~ Using Winrar, Winrar Software Here
Howto Download From Megaupload
Howto Download From Rapidshare Single Rar Archive]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=19C6J412
Single Rar Alternative 1]http://rapidshare.com/files/342896098/10BlueCheer.rar
Hope you enjoy the music! Let me know either way!
Come on!!! Give my meaningless life some purpose!
Tags:MP3 Downloads:music:media:download music:download:MP3Labels: stoner collection