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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Deep Purple - In Rock [1970] {{Stoner Collection #18}}

===-Stoner Music Collection Entry Number 018-===

Hello strangers. Some time has passed.
Crohn's disease got so bad that I had to abandon my 'steroid Reduction' plan and put the dose back up until the inflammation symptoms lessened.
the reason I HAD TO do this was because I started losing weight rather rapidly. from 10stone 5 lbs, to 8stone 11lbs in a couple of weeks or so. That's more than I can afford to lose and, once you get very ill with this, it can be so much harder to deal with if you get too thin.
Well the steroids did slow this down and enable me to feel slightly better but I haven't been able to get back to the level of health I was at before I changed the steroids dose! so it seems I have made my situation worse by trying to reduce the steroids!
Heh. What luck :)

The GREAT news is!!!!!!

I went to the hospital today and I have been given my first dose of a new (relatively) drug that has a great success rate for people with Crohn's Disease, especially those who no longer respond to other treatments...that's me!
I was worried about taking it at first...amongst the warnings they give you at the hospital is the increased risk of Lymphoma as a side effect, although it is, thankfully, rare.
When I lost weight so quick and also became so ill and in constant severe pain the the decision was made for m e. illness has a way of changing your mind. after many hours of this crap you will agree to anything if it gives you a chance of not being in pain!
So I had the first dose today and I really am hopeful about this.
I also hope it doesn't turn out to be false hope. Best thing would be not to get too excited or invest any hopes in it at all but I can't help myself this time. I am so ill just now that I NEED this to work.
If it doesn't work, doesn't slow the process of deterioration I have dropped into, I will require surgery. Pretty hefty op too.
I'm not going there.
I'm too hopeful.
This drug will work :)

I am only giving you some music here as I thought it might piss you off to see an update and not even an album to boot...!

Sorry but you wanted information on the album?
You'll have to use google this time I'm afraid. You ought to be ashamed of yourself if you really need to do that.
If that is the case then GO GO! Educate yourself on this fine band...

Files are in HIGH QUALITY 320K MP3.

I am working on getting a great set of FLAC files on this to you. they are uploading now, complete with the guitar tabs book too so you can get yourself playing along.

* * * * * * *
I'm using rapidshare,megaupload and hotfile now. No password.
If you don't see the file host you prefer, it must be uploading right now. come back in an hour or so.
Remember - Files are in Rar archives~ Using Winrar, Winrar Software Here
Howto Download From Megaupload
Howto Download From Rapidshare

Rar Archive]

Alternative Links 1]

Alternative Links 2]

Who knows, this could be the very beginnings of a new era in my life.
One that isn't ruled by pain and suffering and taking painkillers all bloody day and night..
We shall see.
Like I said, I'm hopeful!


or if you prefer...

Songbook for guitar, piano whatever! Chords and lyrics!



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good friend of mine has lived with Crohn's Disease for almost twenty years after they got his meds sorted right, he has been able to work, marry, and play guitar all round the UK in a band with best of luck from a random reader.

7/15/2010 05:44:00 pm  
Blogger hitmewithit said...

Hey mate thanks a lot for the input. I'm hopeful as I said, maybe I can do the same :)

7/16/2010 11:29:00 am  
Anonymous Barber said...

Nice to see you active again.
I hope you get yourself stabilized.

7/16/2010 11:53:00 am  
Blogger hitmewithit said...

Thanks a lot Barber.. I'm hopeful as I keep saying hehe. I just wait each day and think when I wake... will it be any different today?
who knows eh.
thanks, enjoy the music!

7/17/2010 12:31:00 pm  
Blogger jacopomad64 said...

I am from Firenze(Italia) and i don't know your disease . I know just a very little bit about that. But, I hope sincerely in a fast and positive solution of this bad adventure .
Well,sorry for my bad english and good things for You ...
Ciao from Jacopo.
P.S. : wonderful site !!!

8/01/2010 05:25:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for share all this great music. I wish you the best in your treatment and all the best for you. Best regards.

7/12/2011 05:32:00 am  

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