Ok people. I can't believe I am having to do this so soon after telling you but here we go again.
There is only ONE WAY to get an album uploaded again on this site if the original links are dead.
You have to do the following EXACTLY otherwise you will NOT get the album again.
Did you understand that all you people who have emailed me in recent days asking for links to be fixed?
You must do this:
1. Open up an email to Email me at hitmewithit@gmail.com
2. Make sure the subject line of the email has this word in it DEADLINK
It MUST say DEADLINK or the gmail filtering system will delete it ok!!
3. Inside the email I need the EXACT page where the links are dead. So don't say 'this link is dead for the four tet album on www.mp33pm.tk' as that is not the exact page!
You would need the page like 'http://mp33pm.blogspot.com/2005/07/four-tet-pause.html'
or similar.
4. I MUST have the links EXACTLY as you find them. So that I know which links to replace.
It is not enough to tell me which album it is! I need to know the LINKS that do not work ok!
Please follow these simple instructions everyone as I can then do what you want and that is, provide more uploaded links for you when they fail or die out.
Music to follow later today...
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