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All MP3's are up for a limited time and are for sampling purposes only. If you wish to download any MP3 that you don't own already on CD, Cassette Tape, Vinyl Record, Graphaphone, Gramaphone, Phonographic cylinder, SACD, DAT, MiniDisc or even if you remember the tune and try to sing it between two cups and a length of string (illegal), you must (legally) delete all tracks after 24 hours. Music posted here is posted out of love, not with the intention for profit or to violate copyright. If you are the creator (or copyright owner) of a song, excerpt, essay, graphic or photo posted on this blog, please contact me if you want to comment on the selection or wish to have it removed. I will act swiftly.

PASSWORD for ALL files: MP3@3pm
For ALL PROBLEMS, please visit FAQ page
and you will surely find the answer.

Friday, March 30, 2007

We Are Scientists - With Love And Squalor

I haven't posted in a while, but now I am, I've got an album I promised many moons ago, We Are Scientist's With Love and Squalor. Pretty much, if you like all the other indie rock out there, Kaiser Chiefs, Blur, Art Brut, you'll like this.
I would also like to take this opportunity to announce/shamelessly plug my new mp3 blog, Free Indie Tunes - John Peel for the 20th Century, a blog I've been using to post singles and EPs from lesser known bands who may only have a few songs, alongside the occasional mainstream artst. Check it out, please, and tell everyone you can.
On a third note, I've uploaded this file with a new uploader that was shared with me, ShareBee, which promises one upload for multiple links, and if a link goes down, they reup it. Let me know if it works, or if you have issues with it.


Single Rar Archive] Click


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Jungle Brothers – Done By The Forces Of Nature

Hiya 'This here

A mate requested this as we don't slap up enuff rap\hip-hop...

moany bastid

One of my faves this (1989), the JBs helped out here by de la, tribe called quest, monie love...

very afro-centric, funky as fuck, maybe a bit dated-sounding

but wtf its nearly 20 years old...


Part 1

Part 2


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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Joy Division - Heart & Soul BOX SET 4DISC[1998], Substance[1988] & A Means to an End: The Music of Joy Division [1995] [DEX]

As I have never really spent any time listening to Joy Division, I asked the woman of my dreams, She Who Must Not Be Named, to say a few words about them.
The files are all hosted on some directory but I took the liberty of downloading them all first so that if you go to download them and find the links no longer work, drop me a message in the comments and I will upload them to the usual places for you.
Now I will shut up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello again.
I have been asked to provide some words so here goes.
Prepare to meet either a wall of gloom or, if you have a nostalgic need to recreate the atmosphere of late 70's and early 80's Manchester, a flood of Factory Records' favourite sons at its best.

Joy Division takes the listener to Manchester; a dark place at the time, full of angry, disillusioned youth seemingly waiting for something to happen to take them away from the misery of post-indusrialism. Desperate for light and hope in the face of such darkness, young people congregated against a backdrop of inner city poverty, of massive unemployment and alienation, to while away their weekends listening to a mass of musical output that surged from the bowels of discontent.

Joy Division gave us bleak, gothic, experimental yet directioned rock in the three years that they produced music - until the lead singer, Ian Curtis, hung himself in 1980. The band then collapsed and reformed as New Order.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Firstly a 4-disc Box Set -Joy Division - Heart & Soul, which must be great for a fan right..then there is an album even I have heard of - Substance which I don't know anything about(!) and then there is some kind of tribute album or something by 'Various Artists' and entitled - A Means to an End: The Music of Joy Division which might be good, might not.
Who knows.
If you are interested then hurry on over to the link below!


Open Directory Here or Here

If you need help or don't understand what a DEX is, just leave a comment. It's simple stuff really.


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 10-19-73 Matrix Club San Francisco, CA USA Bootleg MP3

Sorry but very little information on this one apart from the setlist and verification Here

When I started posting tonight I felt not too bad but alrady the health is overpowering me so I'm going to have to have a rest. I know I said a MUSIC overdose. Three bloody album posts doesn't quite constitute that does it. Hehe.
OK I will try one more post!

Single Rar Archive]
Click or Click.
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Click or Click.
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Click or Click.

Enjoy won't you.

I must stop for a break my friends, although I have a few more to post here my energy doesn't allow it. I'm fucked for the moment!


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 05-24-73 Paris Theatre, LONDON bootleg MP3

Another copy&Paste job (for speed)...Here comes another repost of a popular set!

I must warn you that I know very little about most of these bootlegs and as such would appreciate any of you nerdy anorak music types to give me some info(so that I too can then be a nerdy music anorak!). I had a quick search but turned up very little about this concert apart from the fact that it was in the Paris Theatre in London(surprise surprise!) and that it was recorded by the BBC for something they called 'In Concert'. Not exactly enlightening facts but I tried. Surely you know someone who knows someone who knows something?
Or was even there?
Let us know anything about it by leaving a comment.
The quality is great and again, the talent leaves the hairs on the back of my neck standing..

NOTE: I found a corrected entry for this show Here.


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Click Here.
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Click or Click.
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Click or Click.

Now go forth and reminisce!


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 04-10-79 Nakano Sun Plaza - Osaka, Japan

The first thing I discover when researching this concert is that the title is wrong. It goes around trading networks etc with this title and numerous other titles but this one is not right. I feel the show is pretty much in order but the title. It says 'Nakano Sun Plaza, Osaka. Yet when I look it up I keep finding that there were two shows, one is '04-10-79 Nakano Sun Plaza Hall, Nakano, Tokyo, Japan' and the other: '04-11-79 Osaka Kosei Nenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan', the following day!

It is such a bloody MAZE of disinformation when you start looking into bootlegs and don't go fully head first right in there until you are an expert. Even then you are always going to find an update or a fix to a track or a show you thought was something it turned out not to be. I know this from the Hendrix trading area...With Marley shows it seems to be pretty bad too.
OK enough of that for now. All I can do is bring you this fine, fine collectrion of tracks that, to my knowledge is the concert IN ORDER and in a good quality sound too. the great thing about most of these Marley shows is that they are Soundboard to DAT masters. Which basically means the quality is lovely.


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Click or Click.
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Click or Click.
Single Rar Alt2]
Click or Click.
Single Rar Alt3]
Click or Click.

There, you should get a link out of that little lot!


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BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS LIVE 05-31-78 Miami Rehearsal, Florida. 1978

So I cheated...this is a repost from a long time ago on here...I copy&pasted the original text so I can get more posts up today...ENJOY!

Simply put, this is the best recording of Bob Marley that I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. I was speechless when I first heard it the other night.

This is a rehearsal session that is taken straight from the soundboard (super clear quality). It is a full CDs worth of Bob Marley & The Wailers, circa 1978. The tracks covered are excellent too and even better to hear the band and Bob just literally jamming, creating licks and riffs before our ears, some that did make it onto the final cuts of those tracks.

Listen to a 24-minute jam of 'Time Will Tell' and how Bob varies the singing and they all try lotsof different melodies. It plays like a typical stoned guitar jamming session really. No note or string is out of time or tune. The whole thing flows like water. Beautifully done.
The best part for me is hearing just how fucking great Bobs voice was.

Wow. This is a treasure to behold.
I don't think I can top this one.


Split Rar Archive]
Part 1 or Part 1.
Part 2 or Part 2
Split Rar Archive Alt1]
Part 1 or Part 1
Part 2 or Part 2
Split Rar Archive Alt2]
Part 1 or Part 1
Part 2 or Part 2

You might think the tracklists are way out but, there are so many versions going around, where eople have taken the liberty of seperating into tracks, long jams that sound best left to run on. This tracklist seems good to me and was the ne I found finally that I liked so don't worry when you compare the tracks to the list here as it really is the same show. All of the songs are there, just that they run into each other.!

I really do love this. I am listening to it right now and it almost gets me emotional.
What a great man he was.

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Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 47 'FOOLS' [HIGH QUALITY MP3]

Is Bob getting old...?
(Amazing what a bit of extra sharpening can do to a bad photograph..hehe)
Not the most flattering of photographs eh!

Luckily for you I couldn't sleep last night.
So I got up and lo and behold...the next episode was ready to grab.
A few hours later and here you are. I am just going to sit back and have a listen myself so I hope it's a good 'un.

Tracklist courtsey of
01 Chain Of Fools - Aretha Franklin - (1967)
02 (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I - Hank Snow - (1952)
03 Three Times A Fool - Otis Rush with Willie Dixon's Orchestra - (1958)
04 The Fool - Sanford Clark - (1956)
05 Fool, Fool, Fool - The Clovers - (1952)
06 A Fool No More - Eddie Hope and The Mannish Boys - (196?)
07 Fools Rush In - Sonny Stitt - (1965)
08 A Fool In Love - Ike and Tina Turner - (1960)
09 Love's Made A Fool Of You - The Crickets - (1959)
10 Fools Fall In Love - The Drifters - (1957)
11 I Pity The Fool - Bobby 'Blue' Bland - (1961)
12 Just Your Fool - Little Walter - (1960)
13 I'm A Fool For You - James Carr & Bettie Harris - (1967)
14 Guitar Pickin' Fool - Teddy Humphries - (1959)
15 Why Do Fools Fall In Love - Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers - (1956)

Looks like an interesting playlist but as usual, I hardly know most of the names!
Anyway, go to the page and get it. A few different downloading options so I think you'll find one that suits you.


The Bob Dylan Radio Page




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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Technicalities Dealt With...Music OVERDOSE Tomorrow!

Well I made it!
That was a friggin' headache.

Anyway I finally got all the programs I know and love reinstalled and I am now running a most beautiful version of windows XP SP2 (or Pre-SP3 apparently) known as WESMOSIS PRE SP3 XP PRO.

I am including a screenshot of the desktop just to show you.
It is a great install and I HIGHLY recommend it to all.
Of course you will only install it if you already own a fully legal XP PRO license and I would never suggest otherwise.
Actually I don't really give a shit one way or the other.
What I do like is that this guy, wesmosis, has created a very nice XP Disc Image which you just get a hold of, burn to a CD and then use it like any other XP disc.
The beauty in this one is that it comes with lots of useful programs already installed and ready to use when the installer is finished.
So..after about 35minutes and only a couple of interventions from me, the PC rebooted for the third or so time and then it was finished.
Into the desktop.
With Nero, ACDSee, Messenger programs, Office 2003, AntiVirus, Antispyware and Bsplayer mediaplayer, winmedia player 11...erm..and more!
Did I mention that I never once saw a prompt for an activation code or any of that shit?

(Actually I removed a few things to replace them with the apps I prefer and I have to say I never really had much use for WinMedia player).
Anyway click on the image below for a look at full sized image of the nice clean desktop!

Free Image Hosting at

It comes with a built in theme too...the one you see there. Looks so much better than the way I used to have XP in the old 'classic ' mode!
If you like the idea then check it out! or HERE
Like I alluded to in the title of this post...
I know there are a million MP3 blogs nowadays and yes, I know that loads of them offer a constant stream of albums, every hour, every day, updates updates updates....but hey! You know one thing, if you get more frequent updates from me I will make sure they are quality!

Still Taking YOUR Requests so come on...ask away please!




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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Technical Interlude...

It seems I am always fucking about doing something else besides actually updating this place with music...but it aint like that it?
Anyway, it has been bothering me for some time now. My PC suffered some multiple virus infection a month ago or so and it was just in a moment of stupidity. I forgot I had disabled security stuff to access some crack sites..And so I got infected, loads of shit started happening on screen. I shut the internet cut a L-O-N-G story much much shorter, basically LOADS of things were wrecked and ruined in my windows XP Pro installation. the context menu was all changed...there were files all over the place. there was some real hard to deal with stuff immediately after it happened but, I pride myself on never resorting to antivirus if I can, I prefer to learn and remove these things manually.
I managed to do so within an hour which was bloody good.
However, the aftermath is another story. Since it happened I have been methodically going through things that were ruined and, where I can, fixing them and I must say LEARNING SOOO MUCH (these virus writers are bloody geniuses it has to be said. Unfortunate but it is true).
Anyway I digress...I have decided due to the corrupt right click context menu that I use so much, not being in any working or fixable state any more and also a strange unfixable hanging screen that happens when I right click certain files...(yes I have been conversing with experts from all the tech forums I know and reading loads and no, they are not fixable!) I have decided to reinstall from scratch.
Before you ask...why didn't I backup?!
I did.
In fact I STILL have the complete backed up emergency image of my C: drive sitting there if I wanted to use it!
The thing is, the PC is getting pretty full of software and crap these days so I am thinking of a reinstall anyway so this has just helped me to decide that's all.
I ALWAYS back up the C: drive, every night after hours it is copied to another drive as a whole image. I recommend it to you. Use acronis True Image. It is the easist way to recover a messed up PC!
So I have been backing up setings for all the programs I like to use and also saving stuff like My Documents and favourites and all that other crap...for three days now, making sure I get everything!
Then I created a dvd with every setup file and installer for every program I like to have installed on any PC I work on. LOTS of programs! I am amazed at the number of them I really do use often.
Anyway that took a bit of working out! get to the end of this ramble all that remains is for me to tell you that I am finished putting off the inevitable and I am now ready to go ahead and take the plunge.
Tomorrow morning when I get up and am ready to start, I am going to wipe this hard drive and start anew.
Hopefully I will be able to log back online by the afternoon and post the next two albums I plan to share.
Wish me luck.
(At least if it goes horribly wrong then I CAN use he c: drive image and within minutes I will have a working XP Pro from a few weeks ago. Only if I cannot get the new install to work!)
Wow, that was a bloody long story eh.



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BOB MARLEY LIVE 10-31-73 The Record Plant, Sausalito, USA KSAN Broadcast

In response to a reader re-upload request...Here is a brilliant and favourite Live Marley show of mine.

I am just copying the text from the ORIGINAL POST HERE
Bob Marley & The Wailers - 10-31-73 Sausalito, USA KSAN Broadcast
This show seems to be currently going under two different names/dates. One is of noticably better quality than the other but I like to have both as they are obviously different recordings. I can tell you that the one I have re-upped here is the one of better quality! Of course!
I originally uploaded both but only the original one, for now.
The other named set goes by 12-02-73 The Record Plant, Sausalito, CA but it is easy to find out online that there was no second date at that studio in that year!

No, seriously, you will only want to download the first one offered below, that has all the tracks in great quality too. The other version has three tracks mysteriously missing!
Here is a great resource for some facts about this particular show and the place I go to verify the recording details of bootlegs!
check it here

Ok then, just for you..

1. Rastaman Chant
2. Bend Down Low
3. Slave Driver
4. Can't Blame The Youth
5. Stop hat Train
6. Burnin' and Lootin'
7. Kinky Reggae
8. Get Up Stand Up
9. Lively Up Yourself
10. Walk The Proud Land

I love this show but then I am pretty biased. You will be too soon.

Might as well add that the format/quality is:
Format : Fraunhofer
Bitrate : 256K/s

The TRUE dated version, 10-31-73

Single Rar Archive] Click or Click
Single Rar Archive Alternative] Click or Click
Single Rar Archive Alternative2] Click or Click
Single Rar Archive Alternative3] Click or Click


Now don't be bloody asking me for more links!
Also...PLEASE everyone NOTE that I have actually been working to create helpful information in a FAQ page and I would like it if you used it.
If you get a problem, go there FIRST to see if it is answered for you ok.
Most of all enjoy this brilliant concert and look forward to two more live marley concerts tomorrow.
Also just discovered (somewhat later than most you might say) Devendra Banhart so am uploading some albums too as I think it's pretty good shit.
What a day: Ireland is united?!
Iran is rattling a sabre at UK?!
The future will be interesting no doubt.
Zimbabwe still goes down the drain.

Freshly updated (march 2007) in response to a reader it pays to ask!

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Friday, March 23, 2007

La Zimbabwe - Four Albums, 1 EP [Reggae - Dub MP3]

Staying somewhat with the theme of a third world country that is being choked and strangled by its own elite until the lifeblood of the poor runs like a river through the dusty tracks where no one cares anyway, I am posting these albums I found.
It is amazing what you find online when you type in the name of a country in crisis with the word +mp3 after it. Google is great.
Google is the new God.
Unfortunately, Google isn't that fucking great. There is little to no information around to tell us much about who this band is etc except for a couple of facts: they are an Argentinian band who play reggae(!) ... Ok yeah the second one was a bit too obvious but I found out where they were from so give me that at least.
All I can give you is this pathetic attempt at an online translation from a page that isn't in tries it's best but to be honest, it struggles. You can get some bits from it here and there though. Here is another. Maybe now would be a good time to email some of the people on Orkut who seem to be fluent in the languages of South America...maybe we can get a human translation eh. I might just do that!

One thing I must say, the music is really really good. Trust me! I have listened to and loved so much reggae and dub over the years. This is nice also by the fact that you don't need to know the lyrics. The language barrier doesn't quite exists when the music flows the same in any language.
Try it.


[1988] La Zimbabwe] Click, Click, Click, Click, Click
[1989] Caminando En El Fuego] Click or Click
[1994] Cuestion De Honor] Click or Click
[1997] ADN] Click or Click
[1998] Seguir En La Ruta] Click or Click

A picture of a band member! >> Hehe..I think.

I am a member of the band - La Zimbabwe

So people, tell me...what do you want to see here?
More DEX posts?
A certain GENRE you wish to see?
I won't know if you dont

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Service! Longer Lasting simpler to download links!! Hooraaay!

Hello friends..I just thought I'd drop in to let you know there is a great new filehosting distribution service and I love it already.

To put it simply, I upload a file to the new site and then, their system automatically uploads it to four other different free file-hosting sites like RS, MegaUpload, Sendspace, Upfile, etc etc. Yet I only have to upload to the first site!
Also, if you great people use the links to the first site and then, when you get to the page, just choose one of the four from a list in front of you, then, the system will keep checking the other file hosts and if the files get deleted from any of them, whilst the file is still being requested by you lot, then the system will RE-Upload the file to the hoster that deleted it!
What a brilliant idea eh!
So you will be seeing a lot of links to sharebee from now on!
Just to make the point clear...check out the following link to the latest Theme Time radio hour show. I posted it there after already spending all day uploading it to many other sites myself...(I hadn't discoverede ShareBee yet!) but go see how many options you get from this single uploaded, single link:
Theme Time Radio 46

I can see the future now.
The free filehoster sites have taken over on a huge scale but now someone has had a better idea. Take the files and then automatically redistribute them! Then, all of the web traffic that usually goes to these extremely successful hosting sites, will be coming to the redistribution sites too...because people want their links to last!
Mark my words, this isn't actually the first site like this (ftp2share was an attempt but it didn't quite do it, not like this one!) and I guarantee you it won't be the last.
Look out for loads of these distribution sites soon.
Aaah...isn't it wonderful!


- Link for this post -

Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 46 'MORE TRAINS' [HIGH QUALITY MP3]

More Trains.
I like trains in music.
They seem to go together so well don't you think?
The times I have been sitting on a train in the past, with my guitar and that feeling of being 'in the rythym' of thre train is great. You can play along to it for hours and the journey is so relaxing.
Blues is best but a cool laid back reggae beat seems to go well with it too.
some of the tracks on the playlist this week are completely new to me...but isn't it always that way with this show?
That's what I like about it.
New sounds to my ears!

You know where to go by now....

Theme Time Radio Hour Page HERE

Enjoy it won't you.


- Link for this post -

Bob Marley & The Wailers - Rufaro Stadium, Zimbabwe [19th April,1980]

In 1980, Bob Marley and The Wailers had a visit to Zimbabwe.
You might have heard of the place?

It has been in the news recently...
... Do yourself a favour and please, check out some or all of the following sites and have a clue about the atrocious situation that is being allowed to continue by the rest of the world who, by doing nothing, are surely condoning the behaviour of the tyrannical dictator Mugabe.

I wouldn't profess to know the history and the ins and outs of the Land Redistribution and the plight of the farmers that seems to be at the root of so many of the problems but I do know enough about what is happening right there, right now, to innocent fucking people. I see film of children who are starving & frightened, people whose lives are becoming dangerously weakened and threatened. I just see what I know to be a terrible situation and it makes me sad that no other country steps in when they are needed. They stepped into Iraq of course as we all know but what is it about Africans? It won't be the first time that a generation of Africans have been left to die and the West has more or less let it happen and looked away.
This site is about music but music and politics are interlinked. Anyway, I am not trying to get you into politics. This is just about realising what horrors are going on not too far away from you and hoping that there can be a solution soon. What can I do? What can you do?
Well you can start by having a look and listen to this,
this rather interesting topic,

(Each of the above opens in a new window so feel free to check some of them out please)

You really dropped by here looking for music and I promise I haven't let you down on that front today.

As I started to say Bob Marley went to Zimbabwe in are the scant details I managed to find about this concert...
In April 1980, Bob Marley and the Wailers were afforded the highest honor of their musical careers. On April 18th, the country Rhodesia was to celebrate its independence from England and Bob Marley and The Wailers were invited to perform at the ceremony. From that day forward the African nation was to be called Zimbabwe. Officials from Zimbabwe's government-elect invited Marley and the band to perform at the Independence ceremonies. Cost was to be no barrier: Marley, whose "Zimbabwe" tune had proved inspirational to the ZANLA (Zimbabwe National Liberation Army) freedom fighters, was paying for it all out of his own pocket. He would be playing amidst the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, an enormous pyramid built by Solomon and Sheba.'

This show has often been mislabelled as taking place on April 17th, 1980. I only learned that today(after mislabelling it myself based on the labelling it had when I got it!) so I now realise it is actually from April 19th, the second of two shows Bob had scheduled to more here

You MUST check out this article -
entitled 'When Bob Marley caused Riot inna Africa
from the very respectable 'Rasta Times'.

I hope you can enjoy this one. It took a while to update today and I am now wondering seriously how long I can keep this up as my health is sinking fast..aarrgghh..hehe
Seriously though it's becoming worse than shit.


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Single Rar Archive Alternative] Click or Click
Single Rar Archive Alternative] Click or Click
Single Rar Archive Alternative] Click or Click
Single Rar Archive Alternative] Click or Click



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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Beatles - White Album [1990?] [2CD]

As someone requested this, so it appears.
I hope you enjoy...

Rolling Stone (12/11/03, p.90) - Ranked #10 in Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Albums Of All Time" - "...THE WHITE ALBUM is an exhilarating sprawl - some of the Beatles' most daring and delicate work..." Q (6/00, p.86) - Ranked #7 in Q's "100 Greatest British Albums" - "...[Out of] boundless enthusiasm and creeping paranoia - comes [their] most peculiar record....Childish, colorful, antiquated and faintly macabre..." Vibe (12/99, p.157) - Included in Vibe's 100 Essential Albums of the 20th Century NME (10/2/93, p.29) - Ranked #8 in NME's list of the 'Greatest Albums Of All Time.'


Split Rar Archive] Part 1 Here or Here, Part 2 Here or Here
Alternative Links] Part 1 Here, Part 2 Here

Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe.


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The Cinematic Orchestra - Man with a Movie Camera [2003]

A quick post today but a very good piece which I URGE you to listen to.

This group, The Cinematic Orchestra put together some music for the movie, made in 1929, 'The Man With a Movie Camera'. This is a silent documentary which, in my present condition, is far too difficult to convey to you so it's over to Wikipedia at this point!
I might as well send you to the wikipedia Page for the band too as my energy fails me...
Check Here.
If, after reading those, you are not even in the least intrigued by what you have learned then just take it from me...this album is a fine piece of music and is just simply beautiful.
Take it!


01 The Projectionist.mp3
02 Melody.mp3
03 Dawn.mp3
04 The Awakening Of A Woman.mp3
05 Reel Life.mp3
06 Postlude.mp3
07 Evolution.mp3
08 Work It!.mp3
09 Man With A Movie Camera.mp3
10 Odessa.mp3
11 Theme De Yoyo.mp3
12 The Magician.mp3
13 Theme Reprise.mp3
14 Yoyo Waltz.mp3
15 Drunken Tune.mp3
16 The Animated Tripod.mp3
17 Man With A Movie Camera.mp3

Single Rar Archive] Click or Click
Single Rar Archive Alternative1] Click or Click

More soon OK.
Enjoy! :)


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Friday, March 16, 2007

[2006] Jarvis - Jarvis Cocker

Jarvis Cocker.
He was a big part of the post rave indie britpop whatever you want to call it scene way back when Ecstasy still gave you energy and happy hardcore was still an acceptable form of dance music.
Oh those were the days...weren't they?
I don't remember much to tell the truth. The late nineties.
I do remember listening to Cockers lyrics and singing along with friends who, like me, thought we were all discovering the world for the first explorers in an uncharted country.
The latecomers to rave we'd get called.
We missed the real rave scene, apparently. Felt real enough to us in the nineties let me tell you. I have the lost brain cells to prove it. Or I don't, I should say.
The transparency of it all didn't worry us. We just did it for fun and even now, though my health would stop me even considering taking recreational drugs as I just don't have the energy and stamina, I would still tell people that if they didn't experience the effects of MDMA, just one time in their lifetime, they have missed out on something more wonderful than the imagination alone can provide.
I will always stick by that statement because.. well, it's true.
I don't promote or advocate drug use, abuse or business. That is a whole different topic.
What I am talking about here is just the personal experience and it is something to be tried.
Once is all you need.

Anyway enough rambling...what is this, his FIRST SOLO ALBUM actually like?

I think it is horrible!!! Not a word I'd use often when describing music but Jarvis has let me down on this one. I can't friggin' believe it really. He seems to be still writing about similar topics to those in his album that was so good way back then..Different Class. Lyrics of masturbating in flats in dank, cheap, downtrodden places with dirty women and cigarettes etc etc etc. It was novel in the Pulp album, he was seen as a modern day poet who had a knack for a sharp lyric and conveying the reality of the gritty streets and drugs and all that goes on in that circle of life, with brilliant wit.
That was back then.
Arctic Monkeys have become huge based on the same apparent ability. Yet their lyrics are a bit different. Times have changed. Music, and lyrics, have moved on too and yet Jarvis Cocker hasn't?

I don't like this album at all.
In fact I will probably delete it from the Hard Drive soon as I can't latch on to any particular track and say that I like it.
Remember...YOU MIGHT DISAGREE and, judging by some of the reviews it is likely that you will enjoy this album so don't take what I say as meaning anything..just try it for yourself.
Opinions would be interesting so leave a comment, there's a good chap/lass.


Split Rar Archive] Part 1 Here or Here or Here or Here or Here
Split Rar Archive] Part 2 Here or Here or Here or Here

Ciao for now.


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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 45 'TRAINS' [HIGH QUALITY MP3]

Dylan Artwork..

The weeks just fly by these days don't they?
Already I see the weather is getting warmer, spring is in the air. The best time of year in my opinion.
If you, like me, were duped into considering that global warming may in fact be a 'swindle' or a conspiracy after watching the much publicised program on UK channel 4 (or freely downloadable on bit torrent networks) called 'The Great Global Warming swindle' then have another rethink. I read in The Independent yesterday and The Guardian that the main 'facts', the main reasons I was prepared to believe it, the graphs that they showed and focused on, were in fact, LIES.
The bastards it seems were more interested in making a dramatic polemic of a doumantary with their fake science and dodgy graphs as evidence, than in investigating the TRUTH of the matter. It gets harder to know who to trust when you get arseholes like this film maker doing this kind of shit. I wonder how many people don't bother investigating it for themselves and, after watching programs like that, think that man made global warming is a load of rubbish. If you want my considered opinion, it definitely is NOT made up. We are and we do influence the atmosphere and the environment and it is right that we try to do something about it. Wether that translates to the massive taxes that are being implemented is another story. I never trust anything this damn Tony Blair government says.
Here is a comment to the programme makers from a scientist who is pretty irate that he was edited to make it look like he supported their outrageous shite claims.
Well. I do feel a bit better after that rant!

This week the playlist is BRILLIANT! The show is a fine one so delay no further and go get it now!
PLEASE NOTE: If you follow a link to a download and the filesize is not what you expected (it may say 0Kb or 1Kb), please just download that small file and open it for the link inside!
Enjoy the show.

The Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Page

I have been spending a lot of time redownloading the original high quality files so, when I have it ready, ALL of the files on the Dylan page will be of the same HIGH QUALITY that I encode them in now. when I first started I did them in anything from 96k to 128 or 160k bitrate and now it seems crap.
I will keep you informed.
Some day soon I will have a Grand NEW HIGH QUALITY Dylan Page Re-Opening! Shows from #01 to #50(perhaps?) will be available in super HQ MP3 finally. Just thought I'd tell you now incase anyone is collecting them all from the page. Better to hang on for any show below episode 20 or so as they aren't as good before then. Still OK though, just not great.



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Monday, March 12, 2007

Ryan Adams - Heartbreaker [2000]

Hello again..
I finally found the energy and time to get this one up for you. Someone requested some Ryan Adams and I'd never heard of him before so looked into it.
What a pleasant surprise.
This guy is very dylanesque!
You might listen to him and think he's playing music your Dad would listen to..well you'd be right, to a point. he is without doubt displaying strong 'music your dad listens to' influences but he's also putting a modern edge or slant onto most of it.
I love it.
Acoustic guitar.
Mellow and very melodic vocals.
Almost bloody perfect.
Listen to it now.


Split Rar Archive] Part 1, Part 2
Split Rar Archive Alternative] Part 1, Part 2 or Part 2
Split Rar Archive Alternative] Part 1, Part 2
Split Rar Archive Alternative] Part 1 -dead, Part 2

Some crappy new-ish Jarvis Cocker next up.


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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Didgeridoo Dreaming: Gold Collection [IMPORT] [2004]

A nice find for sure...
This is an index where you can download the files at your top speed...much better than any rapidshare filehost service!
If the links stop working though, I took the liberty of grabbing the files first so that I may upload them later just incase!
Not much to be said about this. It's didgeridoo music. Some might not call it 'music' as such, I do.
I really like's weird.
I like weird.

It starts off with some cool jungle sounds, a weird chanting voice in some unintelligible language and the didgeridoo.
After a few minutes of this hypnotism you feel quite jellified in the brain cells.
Then you hear things. Water running. bird calls.
It's quite a trip.
There is an amazon page HERE
See what you make of it.
Highly recommended.

Wish I had a didgeridoo dammit.

If any more similar music comes up I will post to this page about it so bookmark it


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Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 44 'TEXAS' [HIGH QUALITY MP3]

Well my brothers be it that time already?
Damn I didn't have the energy to do any crappy dylan artwork this fine day. Hope you can manage without it.
Here's a random image instead.

Tracklist as always, stolen from Great site.

01 Drifting Texas Sand - Webb Pierce - (1951)
02 Deep In The Heart Of Texas - Andy Anderson & The Dawnbreakers - (1960)
03 The Girls From Texas - 'Texas' Jim Lewis and His Lone Star Cowboys - (194?)
04 The Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers in Texas - The Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers - (1931)
05 Ay Te Dejo En San Antonio - Don Santiago Jimenez Sr. - (1937)
06 Texas In My Soul - Willie Nelson - (1968)
07 Texas Flood - Larry Davis - (1958)
08 Blue Yodel # 1 (T For Texas) - Bob Downen - (19??)
09 Across The Alley From The Alamo - June Christy with Stan Kenton & His Orchestra - (1947)
10 Under A Texas Moon - King Nawahi & The Hawaiians - (19??)
11 All That Oil In Texas - Oscar McLollie & His Honey Jumpers - (195?)
12 Texas Me - Doug Sahm - (1969)
13 Waltz Across Texas - Ernest Tubb & His Texas Troubadours - (1965)
14 The Assasination - The Dixie Nightingales - (1965)
15 Across The Border Line - Ry Cooder & Freddy Fender - (1982)


Yes it's this-a-way to the Bob Dylan theme Time Radio Page



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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Fall - The Wonderful and Frightening World of The Fall [1984]

Apologies for the delays around here. From now on I won't even bore you with any details of ill health.
If I just say 'illness' then you know that the reason for me not being up to standard is simply due to illness OK.

This album was another of those suggested by the gorgeous woman in my life *who from now shall be known by the acronym Girl Remains Nameless - GRN*. When I asked her to give me some suggestions for album posts she put this quite high in her list to me.
I got it a little while ago but have been unable to post until now.
It's a pity GRN isn't here right now because I'd love for her to review or promote this album to you...why?
Well, to put it simply, I just do not get it. At all.
What I fail to get is the blinding reviews I see all over the place for this band and this album. I mean, before you bother listening to my put-down of this album, read this for example taken from amazon:
Apocalyptic and apoplectic peer-crushing jewel of an album.,

Reviewer: A music fan
'Mark E Smith, with then-wife Brix and his merry men of music troubadours joined forces with producer John Leckie, (who would later go on to produce The Stone Roses and Cast, amongst others), to construct one of the finest overlooked albums of the eighties. The album opens with 'Lay of the Land', a seven-minute rumbler with near heavy-metal guitars towards the end and an unforgettable acapella chorus, which leaves the listener reeling and reaching for the smelling salts in the dying seconds of the song, by which time all the guitars have gone out of tune, due to their sonic mis-handling. The next track "2x4" opens with yet another classic Steve Handley bass riff, whilst "Copped It" is merely an extraordinary audio collage of vocals and sound that was later used by dancer Michael Clarke in his reviews (see also "I am Kurious Oranj"). "Elves" owes much debt to Iggy and the Stooges, with Mark E Smith singing through a paper bag and sneezing at one point in the song. Leaving aside the excellent additional singles and b-sides that grace the CD-reissue but not the original album, the final five tracks comprise nothing less than an audio calling-card of why the Fall remain one of the most enigmatic and least-understood bands in Britain. Lyrical wizardry, melodic overdrive, experimentation without boredom and one of the finest drum and bass teams in the business gel perfectly to produce five classic tracks. I have listened to this album so many times I am now on my second (vinyl) copy and yet, due to the magnificence of John Leckie's production as much as the songs themselves, I still hear something new on every listen. I implore you to try this album. Live with it and persevere with it for six months and then try to find another album that can be compared to this apocalyptic and apoplectic peer-crushing jewel. '

Or how about this one:

Embarrassment of riches!,
Reviewer: Ree View
'This is the band's masterpiece. More than 70 minutes of warped, garage-rockabilly-pop that somehow manages to feel like none of it was aimed at radio-play in spite of nearly every tune being as catchy as anything on radio. Endlessly listenable'

So there you have it. And believe me, these reviews are representative of the general feeling from most of the audience out there that have had the pleasure of this band.
So I don't get it. I don't friggin' like the album dammit!
What is so good about it?
It, to me, is a noise and not a nice noise at that.
OK I know they hardly aimed for being called 'nice' when they started putting together such an album but to be honest...I have tried with this one. It just doesn't do it for me.

Hope YOU enjoy it though.


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Finally the Wailers concert DVD!!!

Hiya 'This here

OK, i tried doing a torrent

BUT am not sure if i'm thick as a brick on 2 short planks

or its my ISP

or summit else : the thing jist widnae wurk nowhitamean?

SO i had do do it this way...(every 2nd part's got a mirror)

Anyway, here it is, going on 27 years old,

spliff up and enjoy the californian sunshine :)

Santa Barbara, 1980

Can anyone tell me where I3 Marcia was???



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