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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bob Marley & The Wailers - Burnin' [1973]

Bob Marley Lives
It's been a little longer between postings than I'd like but I'm afraid, illness again is dictating what when and where in my life right now.
Not a bootleg but a great Marley album. There was a release with few more 'bonus' tracks, unfortunately I don't have that one so this will just have to do you.
Nothing much more to say here.
Enjoy this pure reggae album and watch out for another in super-quick time.

The reason I enlisted a couple of members to this site was so that YOU, the visitor, would be spoiled for choice and that there would always be one of us offerring an album for download. This is not happening is it?
So, I am again looking to you all and asking if anyone reading this would also like to be writing this, posting up their favourite album - WHATEVER GENRE! - then please, get in touch via the email link at the end of this diatribe. I may get ill and then the posts get few. Having more people on board will give a larger range of music and will help to make sure the albums are updated as often as I planned when I started this place.
So come on! It isn't dificult and I will help you with everything along the way.
Got music you want the rest of us to hear?
Get in touch now!
Email me here

Burnin' - The Wailers 1973
Firin' up with 'Get Up, stand Up' and then treating us with great tracks such as 'I Shot the Sheriff' and 'Burnin' and Lootin', this is truly one of the finest collections. It has one of the better incarnations of 'Small Axe' on it and ends with the hypnotic 'Rastaman chant'.
As it's costing you nothing, I'd say it's well worth the price! Download it now or face humilation by your own ego later on.


part 1
part 2

More even!

- Link for this post -


Anonymous Anonymous said...

only thing this dude's burnin is the dead links.

4/11/2006 06:28:00 am  
Blogger hitmewithit said...

Hey Mr Anonymous idiot!
Why the fuck are you going through all the old posts and stating the fucking blindingly obvious?
Of course most older links are fucking dead you twat.
What? You think we are going to keep reuploading files after their popularity has gone and so the freehost has deleted them from lack of downloads?
Just for when people like you come along having missed the albums, we have to keep all of our older posts live?
If we even attempted this then there would be NO FUTURE posts!
You do realise how much uploading that would be?
I just checked into blogspot and theres loads of these fucking smart ass messages from you about dead links.
You haven't even got the brains to use the REPORT DEADLINKS FOR REUPLOADING button.
Go fuck off you irritating mincehead.

4/13/2006 02:00:00 pm  

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