This, my friends(though are you really
friends, when you can't even be arsed to leave a simple comment?..Hmm), is one of
THE best
BBC sessions he ever did. Have I already said that about another one? Yes probably. There are some great songs on this one though and the way he sings them...
fucking brilliant. Unfortunately this has just done the rounds on some message boards and subsequently picked up by the blog aggregators and clickredfuckyou so you might already have it. Sorry I'm a bit late but I got this with all the others, from a seperate source and am not just reposting someone else's.
Anyway who owns the music? That's right it's
David Bowie! Or is it a record Company..Probably.
share it though don't we.
That is a laugh.
The defence of most people who use peer 2 peer software or download copyrighted music: we are file
sharers they claim; it actually
encourages sales of the real CD's they claim.
What a load of old
bollocks and you and I know it!
We or
YOU are not
sharing anything are we?
I mean, imagine if I went out and robbed some old lady in the street. That is
stealing right. Then I later go into the town and give the money I got from the robbery to some random tramps and dossers that need money. That is
generous right?
However being generous doesn't negate the fact that a crime was committed to enable the generosity and file
sharing is, as we have all read in various techy news reports, simply put:
stealing. You take a CD say, of your own. You bought it so it's yours ok?
Now, that is fine.
Then you rip the CD to your PC and the MP3 files are yours also. Then you fire up some crappy P2P app like urgh!.. winMX and allow those MP3's to be shared in the P2P '
community'. Someone uploads the whole albums worth of MP3's from you. Now they have the album. The quality was very good so they decide to make a CD out of it. They burn the CD and hey presto! They just got themselves a copy of the latest CD and
it cost them nothing.
Even I,
someone who really doesn't give two shits about the whole thing, can see that
it is stealing.
Do you care?
Neither do I. But let's not hide behind this: we are innocent
sharers CRAP because
sharers share things that they already
If you rip CD's and then spread 'em around then you are giving away something that you don't own. They call it
intellectual property I believe. Though if you listen to someone like
Eminem or
Pavement you do wonder if they count as '
intellectual' anything(!).
So. I just want you to be prepared to stand up and be counted if they really try to shut the whole thing down. Something which I see as a complete impossibility. They shut down one protocol or service for file
sharing, someone invents another one. That is the way it goes. They cannot shut us all down. But if they debate it and people are denying the illegality by making
ludicrous claims for
'innocent filesharing' then how are we to gain any credibility at all. If we cannot even at least admit what we are doing?
Next time you post something in an online debate on the subject, have the balls to say 'Yes I steal music but I don't give a fuck. I don't think it hurts the industry half as much as you say and you know what?? I would NEVER have bought the fucking music anyway!' (that is just as good a defence in my opinion!)
Enjoy this the antepenultimate Bowie posting!
======part 1======
======part 2======
Look at this shit:
Scary stuff huhThis is 'The Man's attempt to frighten people. It is comical if it wasn't so absolutely out of touch as well. Anyone with half a brain knows just how easy it is to download and be pretty much untraceable, and we all know that their resources don't stretch to watching every fucking network, server and p2p protocol online. With threatening ads like this they really are going to get far aren't they. Damn it. Reminds me of those English public information films in the 80's that said
'JUST SAY NO'(they even had a just say no song!!!) and
'HEROIN KILLS'..Didn't really stop a lot of people getting into drugs.
More Bowie coming up.
First person to leave a comment gets erm...a prize of some kind.
I jest not.